Exhibitors wishing to hold meetings/events within their booth on show days either pre-show, during, or post-show hours are required to submit an In-booth event request form. Show management will accept request forms only from the Booth Representative. 

The Event must follow the Rules and Regulations:

1. For exhibit booth functions, Exhibitors are required to ensure that attendees are confined to the booth(s) interior.  Standing in the aisles, intercepting those in attendance, or intruding on neighbouring booths is also prohibited.  PDAC has the right to restrict or evict any Exhibitor that is a disturbance to neighbouring exhibits, creating excess noise or disruption.

2. Exhibitors/Groups wishing to hold meetings pre/post-show floor hours will require approval by Show Management.  Special permission to access the show floor may be required.

3. Exhibition/Groups cannot hold post-show in-booth events on the closing day of the show due to the beginning of dismantling.

4. Disregarding the Rules and Regulations may result in the loss of priority renewal for the next Convention.

Show Management Approval:

Once your request has been submitted and reviewed, you will receive an email from Show Management letting you know if your request was approved.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Buchanan at [email protected] or 416-362-1969 ext. 248.

Event Date and Time
Anticipated Attendance 
This event will have: