Denise Brushett

Surficial Geologist, Government of Nova Scotia
Halifax, Canada

Denise has been a Project Geologist with the Nova Scotia Geological Survey Division, Department of Natural Resources and Renewables since 2016. Prior to that she was a Project Geologist with the Newfoundland Geological Survey for 7 years. Denise has conducted numerous regional surficial geological mapping projects in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador for a range of applications including paleoglaciological reconstructions and geochemical surveys (including till, stream and lake sediments, biogeochemistry) to assess mineral potential. Her current research is focused on refining exploration techniques for critical mineral pegmatites (ie., Li-bearing pegmatites) and LiDAR-based surficial mapping to enhance mineral exploration effectiveness in glaciated terrain.
Participating as: Presenter
Denise Brushett