The Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW) was created in 2007 as a way to provide geoscience students with a unique opportunity to put their education into practice before entering the workforce. 
S-IMEW is a two- week, all-expense paid workshop that provides students from across Canada with a technical and business perspective of mineral exploration by hands-on learning and interaction with industry professionals. Students will learn practical mineral exploration techniques, field skills, core logging, geological mapping and interpretation, development of networking skills and much more. This workshop introduces students to the myriad of careers in the exploration industry. 

Each year, twenty-six of the top geoscience students from post-secondary institutions across Canada are selected to attend the workshop in Sudbury, Ontario.

Over 80 volunteers and many sponsors provide their ongoing support and generosity which allows us to successfully execute this workshop year after year. We thank you for your continued contributions to helping develop the future leaders of the mineral exploration and development industry.

Read about S-IMEW in Core Magazine