Attendee Conduct

PDAC is committed to providing a positive experience for all participants, and expects attendees to show respect and courtesy toward one another at all official PDAC Convention events.

At all times during the convention attendees shall conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate manner and comply with all applicable laws, policies and rules of PDAC.

View the full Attendee Conduct Terms and Conditions

Nurse’s Offices

Staffed by Registered Nurses who are capable of responding to a variety of emergency situations, and can also administer over-the-counter and prescribed medications to attendees. Stations are stocked with AED defibrillators and may also be used for breastfeeding.

South Building, Level 800
North Building, outside room 203C

Friday          8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday      8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday        7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Monday       9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Tuesday      9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm


In the case of a fire alarm, the MTCC operates a two-phase alarm system:

Stage 1: Slow beeping sound, alert signal

• Remain calm
• If the alarm is beeping slowly, this is a warning
• Do not evacuate the building at this stage
• Await instructions to be announced over the intercom (this will take approximately one minute) or speak to Security Staff

Stage 2: Fast beeping sound, evacuate signal

• Only evacuate the building if instructed to do so over the intercom or by Security Staff
• Leave the building via the closest emergency stairwell
• Fire exits are highlighted in yellow in the Convention Program floor plan (pages 12-14)
• Do not use elevators or escalators
• If you encounter smoke in the stairway, use an alternate exit
• Once outside, stay clear of the building to permit emergency access
• Do not attempt to remove vehicles from parking garages or loading docks
• Do not return until declared safe by the Fire Official

Respiratory Illness

The health, safety and well-being of all those participating in and attending Convention is our top priority. We will continue to adhere to all Canadian and local government laws, implement appropriate health and safety measures in consultation with healthcare authorities and experts, and apply best practices as required at the in person event. We understand these requirements may evolve, and will ensure that attendees are kept informed of new developments. 

 View the latest information