PDAC’s commitment to stand against racism and discrimination
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), I am sharing this statement to make clear that we—as an organization, member and representative of the Canadian mineral exploration and development industry—unequivocally condemns racism, inequity, discrimination and hatred in all forms.
Ours is an international industry and we believe that mineral exploration and development has always had the potential to make social and economic improvements within the communities where we operate. Equity, diversity, and inclusion are strategic priorities for PDAC and are at the core of our mandate and our values.
We know that words alone do not equal progress and change. That is why it is important to take action against racism and discrimination within our industry, and why PDAC is committed to the following:
- Our annual PDAC convention is a multicultural event, bringing together people from up to 135 countries. We are committed to ensuring our event is a safe space, where everyone is treated with decency and respect. Acts of discrimination or hatred will never be tolerated;
- We will work with staff, committee and board members to address any unconscious bias;
- We will expand the scope of PDAC’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group to prioritize issues of race and discrimination to help guide our industry and inform our decision-making processes;
- We will offer increased speaking and networking opportunities at our annual PDAC Convention for the national and international mineral industry to discuss racial-based issues;
- We will continue to develop resources that assist and encourage our members to implement equity, diversity, and inclusion policies and practices. Furthermore, our own Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy is in its second draft and will be adopted this year;
- We will welcome, encourage and promote diversity within our membership, board of directors, staff, standing and strategic committees, annual convention, and in all PDAC activities;
- We will establish procedures for monitoring, encouraging, and assessing diversity within PDAC; especially in the committees and at the convention; and
- We will report progress in our annual report.
We are committed to listening and learning in order to make way for positive change and improve the socioeconomic conditions of the communities within which we operate.
Together, we can ensure Canada’s mineral industry is one of fairness and opportunity, free of discrimination.
Felix Lee
PDAC President