Exploration Permitting Guide
Exploration Permitting in Canada
The Exploration Permitting Guide is an introductory resource to support prospectors in navigating unique jurisdictional requirements at each stage of the exploration sequence.
The Guide is intended as a support tool only. While we strive for completeness and accuracy, Canada’s regulatory landscape is constantly shifting; the Guide should not be considered a comprehensive overview of all that is required to conduct exploration work in a specific jurisdiction. Prospectors are advised to contact the relevant regulatory body to ensure exploration programs are compliant with regional laws and best practices.
If you have any questions or comments on the Guide, please contact Alex Armstrong at [email protected].
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: AGS
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Government Authority:
Coal and Mineral Development unit
Metallic and Industrial Minerals Tenure Regulation
Relevant Application Links:
Mineral Exploration Rights: Rock-hosted Minerals Permits (equivalent to a mineral claim)
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Grassroots Exploration is permitted once the claim acquisition process is complete. No additional approvals are required.
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Responsible Energy and Development Act
Metallic and Industrial Minerals Exploration Regulation
Relevant Application Links:
Approval to Explore – contact [email protected]
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data Available at: MINFILE
Prospector's License
Prospector’s License
A Prospectors License (or equivalent), where required, is an authorization issued by the governing authority which permits an individual to conduct certain exploration work independently or on behalf of an organization.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Grassroots Exploration is permitted once the claim acquisition process is complete. No additional approvals are required.
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
Relevant Application Links:
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data Available at: GIS Map Gallery
Prospector's License
Prospector’s License
A Prospectors License (or equivalent), where required, is an authorization issued by the governing authority which permits an individual to conduct certain exploration work independently or on behalf of an organization.
Government Authority:
Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources
Relevant Application Links:
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources
Mineral Disposition and Mineral Lease Regulation
Relevant Application Links:
Staking Requirements Online for surveyed territories using iMaQs
Physically staked and recorded for unsurveyed territory, applications for recording submitted via iMaQs
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Grassroots Exploration is permitted once the claim acquisition process is complete. No additional approvals are required.
Airborne Surveys
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources
Relevant Application Links:
New Brunswick
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: GeoNB
Prospector's License
Prospector’s License
A Prospectors License (or equivalent), where required, is an authorization issued by the governing authority which permits an individual to conduct certain exploration work independently or on behalf of an organization.
Government Authority:
Natural Resources and Energy Development
Relevant Application Links:
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Natural Resources and Energy Development
Relevant Application Links:
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Government Authority:
Natural Resources and Energy Development – Office of the Recorder
Relevant Application Links:
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Natural Resources and Energy Development – Office of the Recorder
Relevant Application Links:
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: Geoscience Atlas
Prospector's License
Prospector’s License
A Prospectors License (or equivalent), where required, is an authorization issued by the governing authority which permits an individual to conduct certain exploration work independently or on behalf of an organization.
Government Authority:
Department of Industry, Energy and Technology Mineral Lands Division
Relevant Application Links:
Genuine Prospector (optional)
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Department of Industry, Energy and Technology Mineral Lands Division
Mineral Exploration Standards Regulations
Relevant Application Links:
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Government Authority:
Department of Industry, Energy and Technology Mineral Lands Division
Mineral Exploration Standards Regulations
Relevant Application Links:
Work Plan Approval (if within Inuit Lands)
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Department of Industry, Energy and Technology Mineral Lands Division
Mineral Exploration Standards Regulations
Relevant Application Links:
Nova Scotia
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: GIS Data
Prospector's License
Prospector’s License
A Prospectors License (or equivalent), where required, is an authorization issued by the governing authority which permits an individual to conduct certain exploration work independently or on behalf of an organization.
Government Authority:
Department of Natural Resources
Relevant Application Links:
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Department of Natural Resources
Relevant Application Links:
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Grassroots Exploration is permitted once the claim acquisition process is complete. No additional approvals are required.
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Department of Natural Resources
Relevant Application Links:
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: CNGO GDS
Prospector's License
Prospector’s License
A Prospectors License (or equivalent), where required, is an authorization issued by the governing authority which permits an individual to conduct certain exploration work independently or on behalf of an organization.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Grassroots Exploration is permitted once the claim acquisition process is complete. No additional approvals are required.
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Stage 1 – Conformity by NPC
Government Authority:
Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act
Relevant Application Links:
Stage 2 – CIRNAC Land Use Permit
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Additional Resources:
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: NTGS
Prospector's License
Prospector’s License
A Prospectors License (or equivalent), where required, is an authorization issued by the governing authority which permits an individual to conduct certain exploration work independently or on behalf of an organization.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Claims must be physically staked.
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Grassroots Exploration is permitted once the claim acquisition process is complete. No additional approvals are required.
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act Mackenzie Valley Land Use Regulations
Relevant Application Links:
Additional Resources:
For additional help navigating NWT Permitting processes, contact the CSCR.
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: OGSEarth
Prospector's License
Prospector’s License
A Prospectors License (or equivalent), where required, is an authorization issued by the governing authority which permits an individual to conduct certain exploration work independently or on behalf of an organization.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Grassroots Exploration is permitted once the claim acquisition process is complete. No additional approvals are required.
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: GIS Data Catalogue
Exploration Approvals
Exploration Approvals
For all stages of exploration and development related to mineral exploration in Prince Edward Island.
Government Authority:
Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
To Apply:
Interested individuals are advised to contact the PEI Energy Corporation at 902-894-0288.
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: SIGÉOM
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts
Regulation respecting mineral substances other than petroleum, natural gas and brine
Notice of Coming Into Force (2024 updated regulations)
Relevant Application Links:
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Grassroots Exploration is permitted once the claim acquisition process is complete. No additional approvals are required.
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts
Regulation respecting mineral substances other than petroleum, natural gas and brine
Notice of Coming Into Force (2024 updated regulations)
Relevant Application Links:
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: GeoAtlas
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Lands and Mineral Tenure Branch, Ministry of Energy and Resources
Mineral Tenure Registry Regulations
Subsurface Mineral Regulations
Relevant Application Links:
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Government Authority:
Lands Management and Permitting, Ministry of Environment
Relevant Application Links:
Surface Disturbance Permits (outlined in the Mineral Exploration Guidelines)
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Lands Management and Permitting, Ministry of Environment
Relevant Application Links:
Surface Disturbance Permits (outlined in the Mineral Exploration Guidelines)
GIS Database
GIS Data
Online resources for operational, administrative, and geoscience GIS data.
Data available at: YGS & Mining Claims Database
Claim Staking/Aquisition
Claim Acquisition
Claim acquisition (or staking, or equivalent) is the process through which a mineral explorer obtains certain rights to develop and extract minerals from the claim area.
Government Authority:
Relevant Application Links:
Claims must be physically staked.
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots Exploration
Grassroots exploration consists of activities such as surveying and rock, soil, and water sampling with hand tools, resulting in no or minimal physical disturbance.
Government Authority:
Quartz Mining Act (below bedrock)
Placer Mining Act (above bedrock)
Relevant Application Links:
Requires a Class 1 Notification
Additional Resources:
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized Exploration
Mechanized exploration can include line cutting, excavation of small, shallow pits and trenches, and construction of drill pads and access trails. Mechanized exploration may result in limited, often temporary, land disturbances. This guide does not include Advanced Exploration, such as bulk sampling.
Government Authority:
Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board
Relevant Application Links:
There are 4 classes that operation activities fall into under the Placer or Quartz Mining Land Use Regulations. There are thresholds that determine which class a placer or quartz mining operation falls under.
Additional Resources: