Bockarie Steven Sannoh
Program Manager,
Sierra Leone
Bockarie Steven Sannoh is an Environmentalist and Natural Resource Management Professional, specializing in ethical mining and land resource management. As Program Manager for Resolve’s Sierra Leone Sustainable Resource Management Program. He is engaged in the delivery of the Peace Diamond Restoration Initiative (PDRI) and GemFair support program.
Steven has used his skills to raise awareness of environmental and social best practices for the formalization of the artisanal diamond mining sector in resource-rich, post-conflict Sierra Leone. Beginning in 2012, he has led the implementation of Diamond Development Initiative’s (DDI’s) Maendeleo Diamond Standards in Kono District, Sierra Leone, to build the capacity of artisanal diamond miners to align their mining operations with responsible social and environmental best practices with the goal of increasing formalization in the artisanal mining sector. Now, he is leading the reclamation of abandoned/degraded mined-out areas in the Kono District. This project seeks to reduce the negative environmental impact of artisanal mining and increase community participation in land use decision-making.
Steven has a Bachelor of Science (Hon) in Environmental Chemistry from Njala University Sierra Leone and a host of postgraduate certificates including Global Environmental Management – Technical University of Demark, Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Municipal Waste Management in Developing Countries – Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and Eawag and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development – Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
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