Table of Contents

2.0 Due Diligence - Introduction 
2.1 Project Due Diligence and Risk Management
2.2 What Is the Relationship between Due Diligence and Impact Assessment? 
2.3 What Is Risk Management?
2.4 The Basics of Risk and Risk Assessment 
2.5 Risk Identification 
2.6 Risk Estimation
2.7 Risk Evaluation
2.8 Risk Control 
2.9 Project Plan
2.10 Monitoring and Review


Successful exploration creates new wealth, returns value to investors, minimizes negative impacts to people and the environment and makes a positive contribution to local communities and society at large. The first key step to achieving these goals is project due diligence. Before initiating any new exploration project and before progressing to the next stage of exploration on an existing project, explorers should conduct project due diligence. Project due diligence is a risk management process designed to enable you to decide if you should proceed with a project and, if so, how to do so in a way that enables you to manage the social, economic and environmental risks. Effective project due diligence will save you time, money and many problems - possibly even save the project itself. It will enable you to identify, manage and control your risks to prevent harm, make better financial and operational decisions and meet your commitments to your stakeholders.