Table of Contents

7.0 Human Rights - Introduction
7.1 Summary of Recommended Practices
7.2 What Are Human Rights? 
7.3 What Are Universal Human Rights? 
7.4 International Human Rights Instruments
7.5 What Is the Scope of Responsibility for Human Rights?
7.6 The Duty To Respect Human Rights 
7.7 Domestic Laws and International Human Rights Standards
7.8 What is Complicity? 
7.8.1 To Enable, Facilitate or Exacerbate Human Rights Abuses
7.8.2 Proximity
   7.8.3 Knowledge and Awareness 
   7.8.4 Benefit
7.9 Avoiding Complicity
7.10 Conditions of Work and Employment 
   7.10.1 Recommended Practices 
7.11 Discrimination in Employment 
   7.11.1 Recommended Practices 
7.12 Freedom of Association 
   7.12.1 Recommended Practices
7.13 Child Labour
7.13.1 Recommended Practices 
7.14 Forced Labour 
   7.14.1 Recommended Practices 
7.15 Security and Human Rights
   7.15.1 Recommended Practices


The following sections introduce human rights, set out why human rights are relevant to explorers and describe what explorers can do to respect and promote human rights. The human rights guidance in this section should be read in conjunction with the guidance provided on governance and management processes; the two sets of guidance work together.

The guidance for the Human Rights section provides background into the issues and the specific actions that explorers should take to address those issues, in order to respect human rights. The guidance on management process provides direction on how explorers can develop the organizational capacity to address specific actions. 

The table below summarizes the recommended practices that explorers should implement to respect and promote human rights. In the right hand column below, you will find links to the related management process guidance. In addition, as you read through each of the subject areas under Human Rights, you will also find links to additional information sources that explorers can use to help develop and implement these practices.