The Prospector’s Essential Role in Mineral Exploration
e-Learning Series
Notwithstanding all the modern exploration techniques currently available, prospecting remains an essential part of Mineral Exploration in the twenty-first century. Jessica will speak about basic prospecting techniques and the role prospecting still plays in industry to make new discoveries and to build a database to help focus ongoing exploration efforts.
She will speak briefly about the importance of prospecting education and support for the profession, concluding with some examples where prospecting has helped advance exploration programs.
This was live-only event therefore no recording is available.

Jessica Bjorkman
Bjorkman Prospecting
Jessica Bjorkman has been a full-time prospector since 2000. Her father, Karl Bjorkman, taught her and her siblings, through his own passion for prospecting. Her knowledge has grown through short courses, experience, and learning from colleagues. She works with her siblings across Canada in all types of terrain, from the boreal forest of Northwestern Ontario, where she grew up and began her career, to the steep mountains in British Columbia where she now lives.
Jessica spent six years on the board of directors for the Northwestern Ontario Prospector’s Association, which included sub-committees that worked closely with the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development of Mines during the transition to the New Mining Act. She has taught the “Introduction to Hard Rock Prospecting” course in the Northwest Territories since 2014. Jessica believes in the value of training and role of prospectors in the exploration industry.