Women in mining: Taking the pulse of the industry
e-Learning Series
Diversity and inclusion, with a focus on women in mining, is a priority for the industry. McKinsey & Company, in collaboration with regional Women in Mining organizations and the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), launched a survey in December 2020 to gauge the state of diversity in the mining industry with a focus on attraction and retention of women in mining.
The survey radiated globally spanning approximately 50 countries, and respondents ranged from senior executives at mining firms to consultants and operators. We set out to answer two key questions: Why is female representation in the mining sector so sparse, and why does it decline along the pipeline to senior leadership so abruptly? As well as what can companies begin to do about it?
Join our panel of industry leaders as we discuss the findings of the recent survey Women in Mining: Taking the pulse of the industry and consider what it takes to make bolder strides on the diversity front.
*This information is current to August 19, 2021. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

Carole Cable
Partner, London

Carole is the joint head of Brunswick’s energy and resources practice, specializing in the metals and mining sector. She advises global clients on critical issues for businesses at corporate and site level – from major crises, mergers and acquisitions, ESG strategy and issues, litigation, and ongoing reputation building.
Prior to joining Brunswick in 2007, Carole spent a combined 10 years at Credit Suisse and JPMorgan working in mining equity research and institutional sales, and worked for four years with an Australian listed mining company based in Sydney.
She is Chair of Women in Mining (UK) which is a volunteer-run, non-profit organisation dedicated to inspiring women to join mining, advocating for change in the industry to attain gender equality and inclusion, and helping women in their mining career journey. Carole is also a NED of CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income plc, and Nyrstar N.V.

Kevin D’Souza
Vice President Security, Sustainability & Environment
Centerra Gold

Kevin is currently the Vice President of Security, Sustainability & Environment for Centerra Gold, and is currently a committee member of the new Black North Initiative, a Board member for Women in Mining Canada, and a long term mentor on the International Women in Mining (IWiM) mentoring programme.
He is a recognised ESG leader and has worked his entire career in the mining industry in over fifty countries globally. He has nearly three decades of experience gained from a variety of operational, managerial and leadership roles that range from corporate offices to remote exploration camps, mine construction sites, operational mines and closure sites.
To compliment the private sector work he has also worked extensively on mining related human rights and sustainable development programs for some major NGOs and with International Funding Institutions (IFIs) supporting emerging market Governments on macro-level mining policy reform and mining related community development programs.

Mary Louise Hill
Lakehead University

Mary Louise Hill is well known at PDAC for her work as a geologist and long ties to the organization. She found her very first job in mineral exploration coming to PDAC as an undergraduate student looking for a summer job! Now Mary Louise serves on the Board of Directors and sits on the executive, human resource development and membership committees.
Today you can find Mary Louise teaching young scientists geology at Lakehead University. Having had to overcome many obstacles as a woman in her career, she has fortunately seen progress through an increased representation of women in both her undergraduate and graduate classes.
Mary Louise is an accomplished field geologist with more than 40 years experience gained in the Canadian Shield, U.S. Appalachians, Canadian Cordillera and Canadian Arctic. She earned an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Geology at Carleton University in 1978 and a Ph.D. in Geology at Princeton in 1985.

Tarusha Moonsamy
McKinsey & Company

For approximately 9 years Tarusha served at an underground coal mining division of a large Petrochemical company in South Africa, working her way up from leading production teams to managing strategic projects. Her work covered direct impact in underground production, safety & drill & blast practices. Tarusha also worked as a business planner and Six Sigma Blackbelt project engineer, with projects in underground coal production & mine services optimization - with a large focus on improvement in process, production & costs, for long term business sustainability.
For the past 6 years, she has worked as a management consultant, leading large teams serving mining clients in Africa, Australia and North America on operations improvements, transformations (cost and production) and project management offices.
Her deep passion for mining & metals also allows her to work on coal market shifts and diversity in mining and capability building.

Marta Mussacaleca
McKinsey & Company

Partner in McKinsey’s Toronto office, serving almost exclusively basic materials clients across a variety of operational topics: From maintenance to procurement to in-pit operations. Have also served clients in their decarbonization and energy efficiency strategies.
Prior to McKinsey, worked as in exploration at EnCana (Cenovus) and the Boston Consulting Group.
Passionate about mining and geology – especially being in the field studying the geology of different work or vacation destinations. Avid runner and mom of a toddler.