Michael Stanley

Extractives Lead, World Bank
Washington DC, United States

Michael Stanley is the Global Lead – Extractives within the World Bank Group, Washington D.C. Michael provides technical leadership on global lending operations in the extractives sector, the generation of knowledge products and learning, formulation of sector strategy to guide the World Bank Group in its engagements, and development of professional oil, gas and mining staff. Michael has strong global experience in resource development over a twenty eight year career, both within the private sector and within recently within the World Bank Group since 2003. He has worked in resource development projects across Latin America, Europe & Central Asia, Africa, South Asia and East Asia Pacific regions. Michael is widely recognized for his policy advice to governments to inform sector development, understanding of the interventions to improve sector governance, and broad experience in aligning investments from the public and private sector towards more sustainable outcomes. Michael continues to support broader knowledge management of extractive industry sector issues both for internal use within World Bank Group, and for global dissemination through the EI Source Book online, open-source platform. Michael is a Canadian with degrees in Geoscience (H.BSc. Western University), Mineral Exploration (M.Sc. McGill University), and Mineral Economics/Mining (Ph.D).
Participating as: Chair, Moderator
Michael Stanley