Niall Tomlinson
Principal Exploration Geologist,
SRK Exploration Services
United Kingdom
Niall has 20 years experience in mineral exploration, from establishing remote field camps to valuation of exploration properties and CP technical reporting. His experience spans projects ranging from reconnaissance through to bankable feasibility, though with a particular focus on early-stage greenfields exploration. He specialises in prospectivity assessments and the use of statistical methods to value and manage exploration projects. His experience also includes evaluations and valuations of exploration properties, CP/QP technical reporting, and the design & execution of exploration programmes.
Niall is a Principal Exploration Geologist at SRK Exploration from 2006-2011 and heads the Data Analytics department that aims to apply data science and statistics to exploration problems. Niall holds a MSc in Metals and Energy Finance at Imperial College London, a MSc in Mining Geology from Camborne School of Mines, a BSc in Exploration and Resource Geology from Cardiff University and is a Chartered Geologist with the Geological Society. Previous to joining SRK Exploration he held senior roles at a number of mineral and energy juniors, and worked as an independent mining analyst, producing published research notes for TSX-V listed exploration companies.
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