Phil Siebold
M.S. Student,
Colorado School of Mines
United States
Phil is an Economic Geologist currently pursuing his M.S. in Economic Geology at the Colorado School of Mines, with a master's thesis focused on developing exploration vectors for hard-rock lithium pegmatite exploration in collaboration with Li-FT Power Ltd.
Previously, he completed his B.Sc. in Geoscience at the University of Göttingen in April 2023, during which he also completed a summer internship in exploration geology with Nevada King Gold Corp at their low-sulfidation epithermal Au/Ag Atlanta project. After graduation, Phil continued to work with Nevada King, taking on a variety of duties such as mapping, rock chip sampling, drill rig supervision, and core/RC chip logging, until he began his M.S. in January 2024.
Phil holds Geoscientist-in-Training (GIT) status with Professional Geoscientists Ontario (PGO) and is also active as the Treasurer for the Mines-SEG student chapter.
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