October 03, 2022

Comments on Key Conservation Questions from the Canadian Wildlife Service’s Protected Areas Directorate

In 2018, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Canada’s commitment to protecting 25% of Canada’s lands and waters by 2025, and the intention to increase that protection to 30% by 2030, and 50% by 2050. Over the next three years, a number of specific funds and programs were announced through which these lands and waters can be designated protected, yet there had been little direct consultation with the provinces and territories around selection criteria and timelines. 

In 2022, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) solicited responses to “Key Conservation Questions from the Canadian Wildlife Service’s Protected Areas Directorate” to stimulate discussion on advancing protected area gains such that Canada meets its protection goals This consultation sought strategies on linking biodiversity conservation with climate change initiatives; strategic challenges that conservation can be a solution for; and using innovative financial tools for nature conservation.

PDAC’s response includes solutions to these inquiries and goes further to outline the need to ensure the designation of protected areas includes an accurate environmental assessment of the mineral potential of the land at the outset, operates within transparent processes, and prioritizes coordination with respective jurisdictions.