Renewing the METC
PDAC needs your help to protect the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (METC)
The METC is set to expire March 31, 2025.
Since its inception in 2000, the METC has been a cornerstone of Canada’s Flow-Through Shares (FTS) regime. In the past decade, the FTS regime accounted for equity raises of over C$7.5 billion - roughly 70% of the funds raised in Canada for domestic exploration.
In 2019, PDAC was encouraged when the federal government provided the industry with stability and continuity by extending the METC for a five-year term. Unfortunately, the government changed course last March, when they extended this vital financial incentive at the last minute for just one year. Now, we have significant concerns regarding future renewals.
To advocate for a longer extension of the METC starting in 2025, we working on a business case to demonstrate the substantial economic benefits it provides Canada, which far exceed its costs to the government.
We need your help
We are initiating research on exploration spending to highlight:
- The contribution to municipal and provincial economies that is derived by various exploration activities
- The tax revenues generated for the government
- Other positive economic impacts
Share your insights: If you are willing to participate in an interview and share details about your exploration spending, please provide your contact details below, and we will coordinate a convenient time.
Spread the word: If you know anyone else who might be interested in contributing, please forward this message.
Note: The information provided can be presented on a confidential, non-attributable manner based on your preference.
Together, we can build a compelling case to ensure the METC is renewed.
Please leave your contact details below and we will get back to you to coordinate time for an interview.