Have you used public geoscience data to help your company stake mineral exploration properties? Has public geoscience data helped your company to make a mineral discovery? Have you used a government geophysical survey to reduce the amount of drilling needed on your exploration property?

During the PDAC’s strategic planning process for the 2017-2018 season, it was identified that industry is in need of a comprehensive database cataloging success stories of public access geoscience data and mineral exploration. 

The PDAC is compiling stories of companies or individuals that have staked land, explored targets, or have discovered mineral showings, through the use of public geoscience databases. Anecdotes do not need to be restricted to these examples however. We would like to show the value of federal and provincial and territorial geoscience programming can have on making the mineral exploration community more efficient, effective and explore in a more environmentally friendly manner. 

Please provide us with your information and anecdotes below.

Full Name
Your Address
Select the category that your company best fits into 

Please provide a detailed description of how public access geoscience data was used to: - Stake exploration properties - Target a mineral showing - Led to a mineral discovery - Led to the discovery and development of a mine - Better engage with the surrounding communities - Lessen your company's impact on the environment - Better drill hole planning (decreased amount of holes needed) - Better management of water usage on the property

The PDAC is looking for specific examples of how public geoscience data was used to help you, or your company, explore more efficiently, effectively and in a more environmentally friendly manner. Please provide; geographical information; details of the geoscience data used (geologic map, geophysical survey, regional geochemical data, etc.); details of the exploration program executed by you or your company (soil sampling, RAB drilling, diamond drilling, etc.); approximate financial investment in exploration programming; outcomes of exploration program.

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