Rose Clarke

Sustainability Lead, Satarla
London, United Kingdom

Dr Rose Clarke is Sustainability Lead for Satarla, where she has oversight of Satarla’s diverse portfolio of sustainability work. She has hands-on experience in supporting organisations constructing practical approaches to climate and sustainability reporting and disclosures, creating appropriate targets, and developing effective strategies to meet those targets. Rose has a background in mining, holding a PhD in applied economic geology and sustainability, and also lead drafter on Transition Plan Taskforce sector specific guidance for Metals & Mining. Regarding training, Rose has co-developed on-demand and live ESG-related training courses for organisations including Edumine, and bespoke courses for a range of mining companies. She sits on the Training Committee for the Geological Society, and has personal experience delivering training and workshops to a range of organisations including UK members of parliament, and in countries such as Canada, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia. Along with Sarah, Rose is also a co-founder of
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Rose Clarke