Sean Tufford

CEO, Tufford Group
Dartmouth, Canada

An Investor Relations professional based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with twenty years of experience working as a senior officer at various international explorers, developers, and producers. Specializes in corporate development, M&A retention, improving brand reputation, crisis management, and building/rebuilding relationships with stakeholders. Maintains a network of over 30,000 contacts, including analysts, bankers, investors, and writers. Only collaborates with people he would invite to his house or leave alone with his kids. Sean grew up in the door-to-door vacuum cleaner business his dad started in 1958. “Dad had over 700 full time salespeople, but he put his actual home number on the bottom of every unit sold.” That level of customer service sticks with you for life. Currently writing a book about junior mining stories that he says, “no one will believe, but all of them are true.”
Participating as: Presenter
Sean Tufford