Field Trip Funding
Field Trip Funding Application
Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada is committed to supporting opportunities for students to experience different facets of their program of study within the geosciences. Special consideration will be given to supporting field mapping schools for undergraduate students.
Criteria eligibility for funding:
- Field trip must focus on economic geology.
- Preference will be given to trips taking place within Canada.
- A brief summary report must be submitted within one month post-trip.
- Applications will only be accepted from groups or individuals who are a part of a Canadian institution.
- Funding will only be issued to PDAC student members in good standing.
- An attempt must be made to obtain funding from various industry and/or academic sources.
- The department chair or professor must sign off on the validation form confirming details.
- Applications will be accepted at any time of the year, but must be received at least one month prior to date of trip.
Approved funding will be based on the number of applications per semester. The PDAC reserves the right to refuse any application and retains sole discretion to determine approved funding amounts to accommodate all requests received and anticipated throughout the year.
- Application must include detailed estimates of all expenses.
- If and when approved, funds will be made payable strictly to the student group or organization organizing the field trip, or to a special fund.
- The amount awarded will be in proportion to the number of PDAC student members listed in the application.