Application Form

Mary-Claire Ward
Geoscience Award
Objective of the award
The objective of the award is to encourage and support a graduate student in Canada whose thesis embodies the concept of increasing our knowledge of the geological history of Canada through field mapping. The thesis will meet this requirement by incorporating mapping as a significant component.
Mary-Claire Ward, the former Chairman of Watts, Griffis and McOuat Ltd., was a tireless and vocal advocate for government investment in basic geoscience in Canada. She was especially supportive of mapping programs to ensure Canada’s geological knowledge base was conceptually and factually correct in order that it might support private sector investment in the mineral sector.
Selection committee
Criteria for evaluation
What constitutes mapping
Student eligibility
Section 9
The following details about your planned thesis
- Title of thesis
- Location of work
- Description, including present status (maximum 500 words)
The committee will consider the following in its review:
- Is this a well thought out thesis project, with clearly identified problems, clear plan of how to address and solve the problems, and the best use of techniques or technologies to address the problems?
Other considerations:
- clear grasp of the geological problems to be solved
- role of field mapping in the completion of the thesis
- well-developed plan in place to solve the problems
- accomplishments so far
- complementary follow-up analyses
- innovation
- conciseness
Section 10
The following details about the geoscience mapping component of your thesis
- Total amount of time spent conducting field mapping for your thesis (in weeks or months)
- Description of the mapping strategy and objectives (Maximum 300 words)
The committee will consider the following in its review:
- Is geoscientific mapping a significant component of the thesis project? To what extent is the applicant involved in planning and conducting the mapping?
Other considerations:
- Is the mapping scale and strategy commensurate with the objectives of the research?
- Innovative mapping approaches
- Integration of different types of mapping data or techniques
- Use of standards, where applicable
Section 11
A map that illustrates the nature and content of the thesis project.
- The map should be provided in the form of a single PDF of any dimension and at any scale (digital/GIS data will not be accepted)
- A short text caption should be provided, in the style of a figure caption within a paper/thesis
- The map document can, if desired contain ancillary material such as cross-sections, stereonet projections, stratigraphic logs or other data collected in the field
- The map must have been created by the student during the course of their current degree program. If the map was created in conjunction with others (e.g. an open file release with GSC/provincial/territorial geological survey), the student must clearly specify their role in the creation of the map.
The committee is looking for:
- The relationship/information the map provides, and the insights gained that could not have otherwise been achieved without the map.
Other considerations:
- How was the information gathered?
- What information was recorded?
- Logistical aspects of fieldwork
Section 12
Please answer the following question
- How will your thesis contribute to Canadian geoscience mapping? (Maximum 500 words)
The committee is looking for:
- The degree to which this thesis project truly contributes to increasing the understanding of the Canadian geoscience knowledge base through mapping.
Other considerations:
- is the size of the region covered commensurate with the desired outcomes?
- intention to get the mapped information into the public domain
- publication plan
- does this project fill a fundamental knowledge gap?
- conciseness
Section 13
The letter of reference by each of the sponsors will be a valuable component of this application and should support the reasons for this particular applicant to be chosen as the winning candidate. Brief and uninformative letters will have a negative impact on the applicant’s chances of winning the award. The committee will evaluate the degree to which the supervisor believes in the student and the project.
Your application will be acknowledged once received. If you do not receive an acknowledgement or if you have any questions about your application or about the award, please send an email to Krishana Michaud, [email protected]