Howard Golden
Senior Advisor, Critical Minerals, Geotech
Howard Golden earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah and a master’s degree in Geophysics from the University of Leeds. He has been involved with mineral exploration geophysics, geology and exploration management since 1981, holding positions with BHP Minerals, Western Mining Corporation, Western Metals, Kinross Gold Corporation, Rio Tinto, Nordgold and Arrow Minerals. He currently serves as advisor and/or director for Getech Group, NV Gold, Tietto Minerals, Capital DI and Marvel Gold.
Howard was on teams involved with the discovery of the Oyu Tolgoy gold/copper porphyry deposit in Mongolia, the Syama and Agbaou Birimian greenstone hosted gold deposits in Mali and Côte d’Ivoire respectively, and the West Musgrave magmatic nickel sulphide deposit in Western Australia. He serves an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia. He also serves on the External Advisory Group of the Center for Exploration Targeting at UWA.
His career in geoscience has involved predictive geology and electrical and potential field geophysics applied to mineral exploration on six continents. He is a Registered Professional Geoscientist, a fellow of the Geological Society of London and of the Society of Economic Geologists, and a past president of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists.