The PDAC Board seeks to represent our diverse membership, and the election process allows the members to have a direct say in the Board composition to ensure the association maintains a strong and relevant voice for the resource sector.

This year there are nine seats available for election: eight for three-year terms and one for a one-year term. The nomination process opened on September 15, 2024, and closed on November 15, 2024. 

As part of the PDAC’s good governance approach, nominations for directorship are reviewed by the Governance & Nominating Committee to ensure the nominees’ applications meet all necessary requirements to stand for election. Following Board approval, the candidates listed below have been included on the ballot, presented in alphabetical order by last name:

  • Lana Eagle 
  • Roger Lemaitre
  • Terry Lynch
  • Frank Mariage
  • Scott Parsons
  • Valerie Pascale
  • Andres Recalde
  • Keith Spence
  • Jeff Swinoga
  • Kerem Usenmez
  • Mary-Carmen Vera

Electronic ballots, including candidates’ bios and election statements, have been sent to all members in good standing. Polls will close on February 25, 2025, at 11:30 a.m. EST, and results will be announced at the AGM on March 2, 2025.

Reminder to Renew your Membership

To be eligible to vote, members must renew their membership for 2025. If you have not yet renewed, please do so now to ensure your participation in the election!