Post M&A Integration: “Where’s the manual?!?!?!” Based on true events. What does M&A mean for those in the finance, HR, legal, IR and IT departments of a mining company?
As exciting as M&A can be in the mining space, there are so many aspects of M&A integration that are never discussed. Led by Revival Gold Vice -President and CFO Lisa Ross, Dennis Peterson from Peterson McVicar LLP and Brock Stroud from MNP LLP, this presentation will highlight all the areas that corporate executives, department heads and staff should be aware of to make the integration process easier to navigate. Making sure new employees get added to the payroll and ensuring payments for newly acquired land leases are made on time don’t sound complicated; however, there are several necessary actions that can slip through the cracks when companies integrate after an M&A transaction. This session will also inform those who make M&A decisions about the amount of work required after the papers are signed so expectations of your integration timeline are realistic.
Join Lisa, Dennis and Brock to discuss any concerns or questions you may have as you network over a post-presentation coffee.