S-IMEW 2014 Participants
Showing 1-24 of 27 results

Siobhan Mcgoldrick
S-IMEW 2014
Senior Lab Instructor, University of Victoria

S-IMEW provided a wonderful overview of mining and mineral exploration. It was such an eye-opening trip that showcased the wide variety of geoscience disciplines and career paths in industry. Highlights for me were exploring volcanic rocks around Noranda with Harold Gibson, visiting the shatter cones in Sudbury, and getting hands-on experience with different types of geochemical sampling. I still draw upon topics we discussed at S-IMEW in my teaching today, and now have the privilege of nominating UVic students to attend S-IMEW!

Jonathan Berthiaume
S-IMEW 2014
University of Regina
Exploration Geologist, Fortescue Metals Group

Prior to attending S-IMEW in 2014 I had no idea just how broad the minerals industry was; I remember being awestruck by the possibilities in front of me as I stepped into this new career. Now five years later I have completed a M.Phil in Geology at the University of Adelaide. I am now actively searching for the next world-class IOCG deposit in the Olympic Domain of South Australia. S-IMEW has been a springboard for my career, helping me to develop the confidence and experience necessary to excel in the mineral exploration world. I am truly thankful for the opportunity to have attended.

Marina Schofield
S-IMEW 2014
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ph.D. Candidate, Laurentian University

Marina Schofield
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ph.D. Candidate, Laurentian University
I have S-IMEW to thank for sparking my interest in Mineral Exploration. The connections I made and opportunities presented as a result of this workshop have led to an exciting and rewarding career path. After S-IMEW I worked for the Geological Survey of NL for a year and then went on to complete my MSc at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. My MSc research integrated structural controls on mineralization and geochemical footprints as vectors to ore-grade Au at the Karangahake epithermal Au-deposit, New Zealand, utilizing 3D modeling software (Leapfrog® and 3D stress®). Currently, I am back in Sudbury where it all started, in the second year of my PhD at Laurentian University, working with other S-IMEW alumni. My research project is funded through Metal Earth, focused on the Metallogeny of the Powell Block, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. This is an area I was first exposed to years ago during the S-IMEW Abitibi field trip.

Timothy Chadwick
S-IMEW 2014
Carleton University
Exploration G.I.T, TMAC Resources

S-IMEW provided me with an invaluable network base; both with industry professionals and young geoscientists starting out in their careers. This network has served me well in my career thus far, and continues to be a valuable asset.