Chris Stockey
Climate Change & Nature Lead,
United Kingdom
Chris is a ESG Consultant, and Climate Change and Nature Lead at Satarla. He has worked with clients across multiple industries to generate TCFD and CDP aligned reports, as well as assess nature-related risk through TNFD and practical integration of this into other sustainability reporting. Chris specialises in TCFD/TNFD, quantitative scenario analysis and analysis of greenhouse gas emissions. Chris was part of the team that wrote the UK Transition Plan Taskforce Metals & Mining sector specific guidance for transition plan preparers and users. Chris has experience in designing and delivering training courses on ESG and climate change to both professional and governmental bodies, including designing the IRM Climate Change Risk Management Masterclass course, which is delivered in partnership with Imperial College London.
Participating as:
Friday, February 28 - Saturday, March 1
ESG in exploration: Embedding good practice for tangible positive outcomes