James Siddorn
SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc
James is a recognized expert in the structural geological analysis of mineral deposits with over 25 years experience. His strength is in defining the geological controls on precious and base metal mineralization and the application of this to greenfields and brownfields exploration. In addition, he conducts reviews and provides support to operating mines, to understand the geological influences on underground mine stability and mining induced seismicity. James is adept at working at multiple scales, integrating mine-scale with district- and regional-scale results, key for evaluating geological risk and potential. James has undertaken projects in Europe; North, South and Central America; Asia; and Africa. He has an extensive knowledge of orogenic gold, VMS, magmatic sulphide, epithermal, and porphyry deposits. He has taught more than 75 Applied Structural Geology courses to over 2000 geologists and engineers worldwide.
Participating as:
Tuesday, March 4
Technology and Innovation Keynote
Wednesday, March 5
Discovery of the Year Keynote