Charles Beaudry

VP Exploration, Consultant
Toronto, Canada

Charles Beaudry is a seasoned mining executive with over 45 years of experience in project generation, business development, and international project management. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from University of Ottawa (1979) and a Masters degree from McGill University (1983). Charles is a Professional Geoscientist and a member of the Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (PGeo) and the Ordre des géologues du Québec (géo). He has been involved in a number of deposit discoveries during his career and worked with Noranda/Falconbridge (now Glencore) from 1989 to 2006 and worked overseas in Brazil (country manager 1996-2001) and Papua New Guinea (2004-05). In 2008-2009 he was General Manager for Iamgold Inc. and from 2010 to 2013 he was founding President of Xmet Inc., outlining a 850,000 ounce gold deposit in the Abitibi greenstone belt. Charles is currently VP Exploration for Mistango River Resources Inc. and lead the team that published in 2024 a 2 billion pound, high grade copper-gold open pit deposit in Chapais, Quebec.

Participating as: Chair
Tuesday, March 4
Base metals 2
Wednesday, March 5
New discoveries
Charles Beaudry